Value Products

Want To GrowYour Business But

Don’t Have The Foggiest Clue

How To Do It

 Put Your Business Growth on Steroids-

While On A Shoe-String Budget


 Are you thinking of starting a business or have you started a business and are frustrated with the sales results!


 You’re not alone! Hundreds are in the same boat like you. The reality of the situation is that you’ve tried all the stuff that the text books have told you to but have still fallen short of your goals. I know it I’ve been down that path.


In the early stages of any business cash flow can be tight (especially if your trying to grow it organically – without outside financing).


 Fortunately there are numerous resources that one can leverage. So with some hard work and “elbow grease” and some good old fashion  ingenuity you can help grow you business.


 This site is dedicated to providing resources and tips to help you grow your business with out breaking the banks                                 Webmaster


The Best Kept Secrets Are All Around You!


Do You Need A Business Web Site?

-WHAT - A Web Site for 10¢ a Day!


If you’re looking for a business website, you can start with a small investment as low as a few bucks a month. There are several sites that offer a package that give you a free domain registration and a low monthly rate. If you are creative and want to design and maintain your own site, some of the hosting companies provide online tools that will allow you to put together a site in a matter of hours. Yes in a matter of hours – no you don’t have to be a programmer. You just need to know how to use a word processor like Microsoft Word.


The $ecret To Leveraging The Internet To Increase Profit$

Once you have a web presence you can leverage it to generate additional revenue streams. Or use the strategies to turbo-charge the marketing for your own product & services. To be able to do that you need to have the right marketing message.


The fact of the matter is no matter how good your product or service is - not articulating it properly is not going to get your prospect to fork over the money for your product or service.


Most small businesses ( and many large ones too) make the mistake of plastering their marketing and sales content with platitudes about their own company's product or service.


That's not the most effective way of getting the most for your advertising dollar -is it? This type of marketing may get you a sale or two but it won't performa consistently like it should.


Do you know why?.. think about it, you as a consumer when you are shopping around for a new product, what are you charged up about? - especially when there are five competing products in the same category. What's most  important is, on a subconscious level, your brain is processing what benefits you'll obtain from owning it.


If you serious about getting a bigger bang for you advertising and marketing buck, you need to get a better understanding of how the human mind works and the psychological  subtleties that can make your prospects clamor for what it is your selling.


It not that difficult if you know the right principles. One program that I've review and used is a program called the Copy Writing Empire. This is put together by Jo Han Mok a young maverick from Singapore. This guy has studied many of the masters in the marketing field and as put together a wealth of useful information.


A word of caution- if your looking for something that in a slick package then you in for a big disappointment. This home study kit does not have the pizzazz & glitz that a lot of other courses have, but it is chock full of useful tips and principle that you can use immediately, that can may you tons of money.  Yes, for other products you may spend a lot more - but this one is worth the investment considering the useful nuggets of information that can be incorporated in your brochures, websites, sales letters and you sales pitches that will make the sales register go Cha-Ching!.


WARNING - this is not for everyone - you need to be committed to following the material in order to get the results.


This system has helped numerous people worldwide to harness the power of the internet. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE


Sign-up for the profit boosting Tips & Tricks  Click Here

Direct Mail and Email Marketing

A lot of small business write-ff a prospect if the prospect if they do not buy the first time around on the first contact. However studies show that only 3 to 5 % of people are ready to buy at any given time, for what ever reason. Ytet this same prospect may be a potential client or customer. So it's important what we build trust and nurture the prospect as to the value be bring by our solutions, so that when there are ready to buy we'll be the logical choice. This can be done cost effectively by email for direct mail using post-cards

Nurture Your Prospects

Educate Them,

& Build Trust

Do it your self Email and Postcard marketing.  Unlike other service providers, Vertical Response offers a pay-as-go model, so you're able to start small and go big. Best of all you're able to kick-the-tires and try them out for free. So, go ahead click the banner below and take a test drive.

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 Sponsor Links

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